Crash Bash Arena List
0070 - Crashball
0071 - Crashball Crystal
0072 - Beach Ball
0073 - Beach Ball Crystal
0074 - N. Ballism
0075 - N. Ballism Crystal
0076 - Sky Balls
0077 - Sky Balls Crystal
Polar Push:
0089 - Polar Panic
009E - Polar Panic Crystal
0085 - Tilt Panic
0099 - Tilt Panic Crystal
008A - Melt Panic
009D - Melt Panic Crystal
008C - Manic Panic
009C - Manic Panic Crystal
Pogo Pandemonium:
004D - Pogo Painter
0051 - Pogo Painter Crystal
004E - Pogo-A-Gogo
0052 - Pogo-A-Gogo Crystal
004F - El Pogo Loco
0053 - El Pogo Loco Crystal
0050 - Pogo Padlock
0054 - Pogo Padlock Crystal
Crate Crush:
002A - Jungle Bash
002B - Jungle Bash Crystal
0028 - Space Bash
0029 - Space Bash Crystal
002C - Snow Bash
002D - Snow Bash Crystal
002E - Drain Bash
002F - Drain Bash Crystal
0030 - Somewhere in Space
Tank Wars:
0035 - Desert Fox
003A - Desert Fox Crystal
0037 - Metal Fox
003C - Metal Fox Crystal
0036 - Jungle Fox
003B - Jungle Fox Crystal
0034 - Swamp Fox
0039 - Swamp Fox Crystal
Crash Dash:
00A7 - Dot Dash
00BE - Dot Dash Crystal
00AD - Toxic Dash
00BC - Toxic Dash Crystal (Toxic Dash is AD and its Crystal version is BC. Notice anything weird?)
00AE - Splash Dash
00BF - Splash Dash Crystal
00AF - Dante's Dash
00BD - Dante's Dash Crystal
Medieval Mayhem:
0083 - Ring Ding
0084 - Ring Ding Crystal
00C9 - Dragon Drop
00C0 - Dragon Drop Crystal
0057 - Mallet Mash
0058 - Mallet Mash Crystal
0065 - Keg Kaboom
0066 - Keg Kaboom Crystal
0031 - Papu Pummel
0093 - Bearminator
0038 - Big Bad Fox
0062 - Oxide Ride
Warp Rooms:
00D3 - Warp Room 1
00D4 - Warp Room 2
00D5 - Warp Room 3
00D6 - Warp Room 4
00D7 - Warp Room 5
00D8 - Warp Room 6 (?)
00D9 - Warp Room 7 (Ah, yes, the ones from the demo found in Spyro 3.)
Discovered Stuff:
These were found in Crate Crush mode. They may not work in all/any other game modes.
00D2 - Tournament Stand
00CB - Apparently, the Main Menu. CB = Crash Bash.
00EC - Come here if you want to see a forever-lasting Loading Screen.
00F6 - This odd world has much more than a wall-of-mirrors glitch...
00FC - One of the few non-existent maps that doesn't have the wall-of-mirrors glitch.
0064 - Another one.
003D - A wall-of-mirrors level, except the whole thing is upside-down.