Crash Land | Crash Bash - Cheats

›› Les listes de codes qui suivent ont été mis en ligne par LXShadow, qui m'autorise à les héberger sur Crash Land.
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Cheats codes de LXShadow (en anglais)


Faster Game Start-up 800BC814 0000 All
Level Code (Note 1) 8005C3F8 ????
8005C424 ????
8009BD40 ????
8009CBFC ????
Simple Level Code (Note 2) 8009CBFC 00?? All
Arena Code (Note 3) 3005C42C ???? All
Rounds Start Without a Countdown 3009A27C 0004 All
Infinite Time 300979B5 0099 All
Fast Music Speed 8006F794 0001 All
Character Code (Note 4) 3005C43C 000?
3005C43D 000?
3005C43E 000?
3005C43F 000?
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Mute Character 30077A33 0000
30077A34 0000
30077A35 0000
30077A36 0000
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Current State 8009BA94 00??
8009BB00 00??
8009BB6C 00??
8009BBD8 00??
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Infinite Points 8009BAB8 03E7
8009BB24 03E7
8009BB90 03E7
8009BBFC 03E7
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Invincibility 8009BAAC 00FF
8009BB18 00FF
8009BB84 00FF
8009BBF0 00FF
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
CPU Controls Player 3005C44C 000?
3005C44D 000?
3005C44E 000?
3005C44F 000?
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
CPU Players Can't Move (Note 5) 3005281C 0000
30052874 0000
300528CC 0000
30052924 0000
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4

Crate Crush

Twenty Crates 8009BC94 FFFF All
Pick-up and Throw Faster D009BA94 0011
801DC4CA 0000
D009BA94 000E
801DC4CA 0000
D009BB00 0011
801DC8A6 0000
D009BB00 000E
801DC8A6 0000
D009BB6C 0011
801DCC82 0000
D009BB6C 000E
801DCC82 0000
D009BBD8 0011
801DD05E 0000
D009BBD8 000E
801DD05E 0000
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Space Bash
Raining Powerups 800C38C6 0000 All
Snow Bash
Raining Powerups 800C38C6 0000 All
Penguin Spins Longer 801D4D80 01FF All
Drain Bash
One Powerup is Worth Infinity 8009BACA 0003 Player 1

Polar Push

Move Faster 800D5178 00FF
800D517C 00FF
800D5180 00FF
800D5184 00FF
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Move Faster (... in reverse?) 800D517A FFFF
800D517F FFFF
800D5182 FFFF
800D5186 FFFF
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
CPU Players' Heaviness (Note 9) 8009BDB8 ????
8009BDBE ????
8009BDC4 ????
8009BDCA ????
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Polar Panic
Strong Character (Note 6) 801E4E6B 007F
801E5247 007F
801E5623 007F
801E59FF 007F
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Acceleration 801E4E44 00??
801E4E64 00??

801E5220 00??
801E5240 00??

801E55FC 00??
801E561C 00??

801E59D8 00??
801E59F8 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Friction 801E4E46 00??
801E4E66 00??

801E5222 00??
801E5242 00??

801E55FE 00??
801E561E 00??

801E59DA 00??
801E59FA 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Weight/Lightning Holder Controller 801E5B98 000? All
Weight/Lighting Timer (Countdown) 801E5B94 ???? All
Beam Controller (Note 7) 801E5B38 000? All
Tilt Panic
Acceleration 801E7DE4 00??
801E7E04 00??

801E81C0 00??
801E81E0 00??

801E859C 00??
801E85BC 00??

801E8978 00??
801E8998 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Friction 801E7DE6 00??
801E7E06 00??

801E81C2 00??
801E81E2 00??

801E859E 00??
801E85BE 00??

801E897A 00??
801E899A 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Beam Controller (Note 7) 801E8AD8 000? All
Hungry Walruses 801EA860 0000 All
Melt Panic
Strong Character (Note 6) 801E920B 007F
801E95E7 007F
801E99C3 007F
801E9D9F 007F
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Acceleration 801E91E4 00??
801E9204 00??

801E95C0 00??
801E95E0 00??

801E99BC 00??
801E999C 00??

801E9D98 00??
801E9D78 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Friction 801E91E6 00??
801E9206 00??

801E95C2 00??
801E95E2 00??

801E99BE 00??
801E999E 00??

801E9D9A 00??
801E9D7A 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Weight/Lightning Holder Controller 801E9F38 000? All
Weight/Lighting Timer (Countdown) 801E9F34 ???? All
Manic Panic
Strong Character (Note 6) 801E920B 007F
801E95E7 007F
801E99C3 007F
801E9D9F 007F
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Acceleration 801E91E4 00??
801E9204 00??

801E95C0 00??
801E95E0 00??

801E99BC 00??
801E999C 00??

801E9D98 00??
801E9D78 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Friction 801E91E6 00??
801E9206 00??

801E95C2 00??
801E95E2 00??

801E99BE 00??
801E999E 00??

801E9D9A 00??
801E9D7A 00??
Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Weight/Lightning Holder Controller 801E9F38 000? All
Weight/Lighting Timer (Countdown) 801E9F34 ???? All
Beam Controller (Note 7) 801E9ED8 000? All

Pogo Pandemonium

Raining Powerups 800C4286 0000
800C428C 0000
Pogo Painter & Pogo-A-Gogo
The Arrows Take Over 800C4284 0000 All
El Pogo Loco
Hyperactive Ripper Roo (Note 6) 301BAF70 0003
801BAF68 0000

Tank Wars

Tank Speed 300C96A0 00??
300C9744 00??
300C97E8 00??
300C988C 00??
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Multi-Shots 800C9650 0000
800C9652 0000

800C96F4 0000
800C96F6 0000

800C9798 0000
800C979A 0000

800C983C 0000
800C983E 0000

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4
Projectile Modifier (Note 8) 300C9644 000?
300C96E8 000?
300C978C 000?
300C9830 000?
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4


Note 1: If you want, play around with parts of this code at a time. It can leave some funny results!

Note 2: This code controls which level loads when the loading screen is shown (in most cases). The list of possible values can be found here. Please note that the values for this code are different from the ones for the Arena Code.

Note 3: This changes the level background (when a new level is loaded - it doesn't work mid-game) depending on what the question marks in the code are. Replace the question marks with a value from here. (I've now added a list of things I found by using random numbers as the value. There's still a lot more to be found, however.)

Note 4: This code controls which character the player is. Its possible (working) values are:

0001 for Crash
0002 for Coco
0003 for Cortex
0004 for Brio
0005 for Tiny
0006 for Koala Kong
0007 for Dingodile
And 0008 for Rilla Roo.

Please note that these characters can't be switched mid-game. If you change the value mid-game, you'll have to wait until the level restarts (such as after a match has finished) until the character is actually changed. Also, it won't work if the character isn't loaded and you change it mid-game. By this, I mean that the level would need to be FULLY restarted if the character you're changing a player to hasn't played in the level since it was last loaded. Still, if you do it without the character being loaded, you'll be invisible and won't really be able to do anything in-game.

Note 5: The game usually switches these codes' values to the values of the CPU-Controls-Player code. This is what actually chooses whether or not the CPU controls the player, but it gets confused if you switch it to different from the other code. Personally, I like to change Player 1's main code (3005C44C) to 1 and its other code (3005281C) to 0. This makes the game think that the CPU is controlling me, even though it isn't. Then I get my opponents' advantages in most of the Crystal Challenges.

This code works on most levels in which the characters are on foot, but not all others.

Note 5: The value can be 0 for Player 1, 1 for Player 2, 2 for Player 3, etc.

Note 6: This code may crash the game upon entering certain levels.

Note 7: This code changes what a player can get after going under the beam. The possible values are:

0 for Tinyness.
1 for Biggerness.
2 for Little Freeze.
5 for Weight.
6 for Lightning.

Note 8: The value can be:

0 for a cannon that fires useless smoke (yay!)
1 for Cortex and Brio's projectile
2 for Missiles
3 for Bombs
8 for Dingodile and Rilla Roo's projectile (only shoots one at a time, though)
9 for Crash and Coco Bandicoot's projectile
And A for Koala Kong and Tiny's projectile.

Note 9: This code changes the weight of a CPU-controlled character, but also changes their difficulty level.