"Santa Crash" Production Painting
After completing Crash 3 in a record time, the Naughty Dogs earned a
month long Christmas vacation. Our last Crash rendering appropriately
celebrated that fact, depicting our orange friend in a NURBS modeled
Santa costume complete with particle fur trimmings for a truly
warm-and-fuzzy feel.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Hip Hop Crash" Production Painting
This is not a new Crash dance! This particular image was
requested by
the Official U.K. Playstation Magazine. Eric Iwasaki custom
Crash's stylish duds using high resolution NURBS surfaces. The
and "Crash" lettering are the actual polygonal objects from
Warped's title sequence.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Home Sweet Home" Hint Guide Artwork
This raytraced re-creation of a scene from Crash Bandicoot: Warped's
ending sequence was
created for Prima's Official Strategy Guide.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Swamp Dash" Production Painting
Bob Rafei hand painted this image for a cover of PSM.
As the title implies, Bob raced to finish this image within an
exceptionally short amount of time.
(ND) (Oil)
"Crash Development Cycle" Marketing Piece
Here we follow Crash from concept to completion...an appropriate theme
for the cover of Game Developer Magazine.
(ND) (P&P, PA, PS)
"The Orange Baron" Production Painting
Snatched up quickly by Sony's marketing department, this image depicting
the aerial combat aspects of Crash 3 appears on posters and other
promotional items.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Warp by the Sphinx" Production Painting
This image appeared on a cover of Superjuegos, a Spanish gaming
magazine. The background image was so well liked that we re-rendered it
for the Crash 3's European box art. Recognize the image in warp ball?
You shouldn't. We altered the warp room's load-save screen a few weeks
going gold.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"The Crashinator" Marketing Piece
With Warped's time travel theme, Eric couldn't resist mimicking the
layout of a certain movie poster. The joke
was on him. With a few minor modifications, this rendering became a key
promotional image appearing on posters, key chains,
shirts. It even appears on the game disc!
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Tiny's Colleseum" Production Painting
This image is a completely untouched raytracing of Tiny's boss round
(ND) (PA)
"The Great Wall" Production Painting
This image is a completely untouched raytracing of the background for
"Orient Express," one of the first levels in Crash 3.
(ND) (PA)
"Over the Wall" Production Painting
Another raytracing from "Orient Express," overlooking the wall from one
the high towers. This was the first Crash game to split the animal-ride
gameplay path vertically.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Around the World in Millions of Years" Production Painting
We love seeing how Charlotte Francis deals with these "world map"
especially because each one grows exponentially in complexity
and size. We doubled the RAM in her machine just so she could view
the completed image! Like the earlier maps, this is Photoshop work
at its finest.
(ND) (PS)
"Crash Bandicoot: Warped (U.S.)" Prototypye Box Art
Naughty Dog rendered this image for Crash 3's U.S. box. The
composition seen here matches Sony's original request, but things moved
around a bit before the final version was printed. Note that the warp
ball, which shows the abandoned warp room monitor, is hidden in the
final image.
(ND) (PA, PS)
"Crash Bandicoot: Warped (Europe)" Prototype Box Art
Crash and Coco on the bike, the fruit bazooka, and the Cortex Sphinx
were so
strongly received in Europe that Sony asked Naughty Dog to make
a unique cover for Crash 3's European box. Like the U.S. box, the
was slightly changed before the image went into print.
(ND) (PA, PS)
(ND) Naughty
Dog: Art done by Charlotte Francis, Malcolm
Hee, Eric Iwasaki, Erick Pangilinan, Bob Rafei, Jason Rubin,
Titus, or another Naughty Dog...but never a programmer...we
(AE) American Exitus: Sketches done by Charles
Zembillas and Joe
Pearson, professional cartoon designers that worked with us to
design the characters, backgrounds, and atmosphere of Crash.
(UCS) Universal Cartoon Studios
(Oil) Oil Paints
(P&P) Pencil, Pen, and Paper
(Maya) Alias | Wavefront Maya on SGI or NT (PA)
Alias | Wavefront PowerAnimator on SGI
(Acr) Acrylics Paints
(G) Gouache
(P) Painter on NT (PS) Photoshop on NT, Mac,
or SGI
(NPS) Naughty Dog's Proprietary Renderer
(SGI) game backgrounds grabbed from SGI version of
Crash Bandicoot